**Major spoiler alert!!**
Guys, this is the movie I have been waiting for since it was announced during D23 2015. Toy Story 4 is finally here and it is knocking out blockbuster sales around the world. People say, why Toy Story 4 when the third one ended it perfectly? Well Toy Story 3 did a great job ending the story with Andy, but it is like Director Josh Cooley says, Woody's story was not done yet.

Toy Story is directed by Josh Cooley and this is his first full-feature film. I am so happy that this movie turned out the way it did. I know there was so much heart and soul poured into this film, and it showed immensely.
So where to even begin? Let's talk about first and foremost the story overall and the structure. The whole film had this flow that really glued the whole story together. There was so much humor yet just as much emotional moments. The toys are so real where you forget that they even are toys to begin with and yes, even Forky (voiced by Tony Hale). The toys are so detailed that when you zoom in, you can see the scratches on Bo Peep, Buzz's sticker peeling off, and the fuzz particles on Woody.
Just like the other films, you are introduced to the toys all over again. The movie starts nine years ago with a terrific flashback of Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks) and Bo Peep's separation. I saw this the first time in Disney World and it took my breath away. The animation, the rendering, the character models, it was so overwhelming to see how far Pixar's technology has come. The human characters were so well done as well. Andy went through a major transformation (which caused an unnecessary internet uproar) and it does nothing but showcase what Pixar is capable of doing and how they are continuing to progress in their movies.

The part where Woody is laying on the pavement after Bo Peep (voiced by Annie Potts) had been taken away with the rain pelting down on him was one of my favorite animation parts in any film. Here is a tutorial that I found that gives a basic look on how rain is animated in Autodesk Maya:
There is a montage at the beginning kind of similar to Toy Story 3 where we see Andy playing with his toys as a little boy. In Toy Story 4, the montage has Andy, once again as a child, playing with his toys, then passing them off to Bonnie, then Bonnie playing with them. There is a transition from where young Andy is playing with Woody to him passing him to Bonnie as a teenager and it is so well done. Then we see Bonnie (voiced by Madeleine McGraw) playing with the toys and it ends with Woody sitting in a plastic chair and the camera zooms in on his boot that now says "Bonnie". I geeked out over that camera pan and zoom because it was so leisure and calm. Here is a Maya tutorial on the basics of camera animation:
Now it is the present. The toys are in the closet because Bonnie's mom is cleaning her room. We see Dolly (voiced by Bonnie Hunt) is in charge and Woody struggling with trying to maintain a leadership as well. Bonnie comes into the room and picks up her toys and takes off Woody's sheriff badge and puts it on Jessie. We can clearly see that Bonnie favors Jessie (voiced by Joan Cusack) above everyone else (which for me, is fantastic because Jessie is my favorite). Woody is stung and tries to cover up his disappointment.
Bonnie is starting kindergarten and she does not want to go. I think I speak for some people that this is very relatable when we see this poor little girl on the floor crying that she does not want to go and wants to bring her Jessie. This part really shows Woody's character as a kind-hearted soul when he sneaks into her backpack due to the fact that he wants her to be okay.
The kindergarten classroom looked like any other classroom in real life. I could not help but notice that there was diversity in this movie, which is fantastic! When Bonnie's mom drops her off, we see a few different races represented, a lesbian couple hugging their daughter, and a child with a cochlear implant. It was truly heartwarming to see all of this.

Bonnie sits down at a table by herself and the kids were to make pencil holders with their art supplies. Woody is observing from a distance and steps up to the plate when a boy steals her art supplies and Bonnie starts to cry. In this shot, we see a Reptillus Maximus lunchbox. Reptillus is a character from the "Toy Story That Time Forgot" short film. Woody gathers up some supplies from the trash and throws it in front of Bonnie discreetly. Bonnie then creates Forky and immediately falls in love with her creation.
The rest of the movie deals with Woody and how his primary focus is taking care of Forky because he is so important to Bonnie. Woody is almost manic in protecting the spork because he feels like that is his only job right now. The family goes on an RV trip and that is when Forky decides to run away and Woody goes after him. That is where the life-changing adventure begins for our cowboy hero.

Woody and Forky walk down a country road at night and are talking. This part is where they form a bond of understanding each other. Forky's character is so loveable because he acts like a child, yet has a brain like an adult. His walk cycle must of been hilarious to make because I love his crazy walk on his popsicle stick feet. He wants Woody to carry him and gets two "no's" , but eventually Woody caves and carries his new friend.

We are introduced to the antagonist Gabby Gabby (voiced by Christina Hendricks) when Woody finds himself in an antique store after seeing Bo Peep's lamp. Now, I really did not like her and that is a good thing. A great villain is someone who fills you up with hatred and unease. She is almost obsessed with the antique shop owner's granddaughter, Harmony. She wants Harmony to be her owner and will do anything to get her voice box working so her and Harmony can be together. This is realistic stuff because people do that with each other; try to impress the other.

Gabby Gabby has four henchmen that resemble dummies from the Goosebump movies named Benson. They are so creepy and remind me of a puppet that sits in the corner at my favorite restaurant in town. Their walk is loose and broken and just gives off the creepy factor to a T.
Woody and Forky are forced to "take a stroll" with her and Gabby finds out shortly that Woody has a full functioning voice box. She was made the same time as Woody and her voice box is broken, so immediately she starts forming a conniving plan to get his voice box. There is another great camera part where Benson is looking at Woody in the background and the other three dummies appear right next to Woody on the side. The camera is trucking and it gives us a horror film feel at that moment.

Forky and Woody start their escape and are chased by the dummies. The dummies catch Forky and Woody gets taken by Harmony. Harmony takes Woody to the park and as he tries to escape back to the antique shop, a child picks him up and starts playing with him. The child also has another toy in his hand. Bo Peep.
This moment is so beautiful you guys. I have been waiting for a Bo Peep and Woody reunion for so long and always dreamed of it and it was finally happening! Bo Peep was always something so special to Woody that audiences were disappointed at her departure in Toy Story 3. The child is playing with them together, and it took me until the fifth viewing of this film to realize that their eyes shift very, very slightly. The kid sets them down and Bo Peep grabs Woody with her crook and they run for the bushes where Woody is also reunited with her sheep. They are so awkward with each other, each one wanting to hug the other but not overstepping themselves.

The last time we saw Bo Peep, in my opinion, she was portrayed as a delicate, porcelain doll that was perfect for the hero, Sheriff Woody. However, she was the voice of reason with the other toys, especially in the first Toy Story, and was always on Woody's side. In Toy Story 4, Bo Peep got a full out new look. Her character model makes her shiny to give off that porcelain feel, her eyes are bigger and full of character, and her outfit is her bloomers. She uses her dress as a cape, travel bag, and skirt. Her face is brighter and she is very animated in her emotions. Also, she has a few bumps and bruises with her right arm being taped up. She is so strong and independent and she is the perfect match for Woody. Only Bo Peep can make Woody melt, settle him down, make him listen to her, and overall, makes him trust in her plans and ideas.
Bo Peep travels alongside Giggle McDimples who is similar to a Polly Pocket. Giggle is tiny, yet very loud and exuberant. Her and Bo Peep are great friends and you can tell that Bo has talked about Woody to Giggle. Giggle immediately knows who Woody is and knows what he means to Bo Peep. She also calls him out when he stares at Bo.

There are also three Combat Carl figurines that go from playground to playground to get played with. They are rogue and like to travel around.
Bo Peep and Giggle travel in a skunk, driven by the sheep. With Woody in tow, after convincing Bo the importance of this rescue mission, they head for the antique shop to get Forky back.
Back in the RV, Bonnie's toys are fretting that Woody has not come back yet. This is when Buzz (with the help of his inner voice) decides to venture off and find Woody. I know people, myself included, were disappointed over the lack of involvement with the rest of the toys, but the more I thought about it, we have had three movies, 2 half hour films, and three shorts that have developed their characters. Their stories are completed for the most part.

Buzz Lightyear (voiced by Tim Allen) is also a character that was missed in this film. However, I thought his part in this was great. He is Buzz and he is very by the book. I know folks have been saying that "they dumbed him down" because of him going by "his inner voice". They really did not. His inner voice is his voice box, the buttons he pushes on his space suit. He learns about this through Woody, even though he fully did not understand what a conscious is. The poor guy can't win you guys. He thinks he is doing the right thing and firmly believes in himself and his heart but is corrected either by Woody or a wise-crack from Hamm.

Buzz is all around a very caring toy, just as much as Woody, but he came fresh out of a box so of course, he does not know the world as much as Woody does. Hey-way-eye and schmoes? Those are some examples of him trying and I love him for it. Plus he loves Jessie and his devotion to her shows how much love the space ranger has in his heart and it really comes out in the end of this movie in his deep friendship with Woody. Buzz has come a long way since the first film.

Just like in Toy Story 2, Buzz is off to find Woody. He later meets up with Ducky and Bunny when he is accidentally placed on the shelf in a carnival game. These two are the comic relief in this movie. They are voiced by Jordan Peele and Keegan Michael Key and they bring so much laughter to this movie.

Buzz finds Woody and reunites with Bo Peep. I love how she refers to him as "her old moving buddy". Woody also mentions to her that Jessie is still with them and Bo brightens at that too. Knowing they still all care for each other got me in the feels.
Ducky and Bunny mob Buzz until Woody says they can come home with them to Bonnie. Now we got a team consisting of Woody, Buzz, Bo Peep, Giggle, and Ducky and Bunny. Together, they put their rescue plan in motion to get Forky.

We get to see Bonnie's toys again, and this time, it is my girl Jessie's time to shine. They are worried because the family is starting to leave and Buzz and Woody are not back yet. Jessie jumps out of the window, finds a nail, and pops a tire on the RV. They're not going anywhere, if you get her point.
I am not going to lie when I say this movie needed more Jessie. However, she has underwent major character development and she is now a fully developed character. She is shown to take authority and earns respect just as much as Woody and Buzz from the other toys. Her relationship with Buzz is so sweet and together, they make such a great couple. Opposites totally attract and they compliment each other just like Bo Peep and Woody do to each other. Her relationship with Woody is so sibling-like that I just refer to her as his little sister. I love how Woody looks after her and has stepped back to trust Buzz with her in the end. She is just a great female character and role model. Gahh! Okay my fangirl moment is over, now onto the rest of the review...

The team of toys in the antique shop break into a group of two. Woody sees Bonnie and impulsively breaks the plan and Bo Peep catches up to him. Giggle takes the rest of the toys. Bo expresses her anger and her and Woody are caught by the dummies. Together they fight with them until Benson walks off with her sheep. This is when you truly see how Bo Peep handles Woody. She does not force him to leave, but makes him listen to her and he knows that she is angry with him and he follows her. I love that about them.
Bo Peep enters a code into a slot machine and the door opens to reveal a club of sorts. That is where we find the character that instantly captured everyone's hearts, Duke Caboom.

Duke Caboom is voiced by Keanu Reeves and he does such a great job. Duke is another funny character, yet has a history of betrayal by his previous owner, Rijohn. After giving us his backstory with some tears, he agrees to help Bo Peep and Woody get across a cabinet to the glass cabinet in the middle of the store where Gabby is. Also, one can not help but notice that maybe he has a crush on Bo Peep or maybe they had a little thing? Anyway, jealous Woody is hilarious!
Buzz and the rest of the gang come into the club with the key to the cabinet and together, they all set out to get Forky. Woody and Bo Peep share a tender moment on top of the cabinet before the rest of the toys hop up and and Woody and Duke fly across to Gabby's cabinet. Bo Peep slides down the rope into Woody's arms and together, they face Gabby and the dummies.

The antique shop owner has a cat named Dragon, and the fur simulation on this character makes it look like a real cat. It is crazy! The cat is vicious and after Forky is dropped to the floor, Woody tries to get him while ruining the plan. Everyone is knocked to the floor and hangs on to Dragon while Duke leads the cat out of the shop while the dummies are chasing them.
With the tired group of toys just completely spent, only Woody is set to go back in to rescue Forky. The rest of the toys are not with Woody and him and Bo Peep get into an argument. Bo Peep tries to make him see straight and he replies that taking care of Forky is the only thing he has left to do which cuts Bo deep. Bo, along with Giggle, Ducky and Bunny, and Duke leave Woody and Buzz behind. One of my favorite lines is Ducky telling Woody "you're crazy".
Buzz tries to reason with Woody when it is just the two of them and Woody jumps back into the antique store saying that he will never leave a toy behind. Buzz's inner voice tells him to go back to the RV.
Inside the antique store, Woody is met with Gabby and her dummy henchman and she calmly talks to him about how happy he made Andy and how she would give anything to have a moment like that. Woody eventually succumbs to Gabby's prodding and gives up his voice box.
Gabby gives Forky to Woody and then he and Forky head to Bonnie's backpack, that has been left at the store.
Forky sees Gabby trying to capture Harmony's attention and together, him and Woody watch as Harmony approaches Gabby, looks her over, and then discards her into a wooden crate. Gabby is crushed and Woody and Forky are taken aback at what just happened. Inside the backpack, as Bonnie is leaving the antique store, Woody decides to help Gabby and tells Forky to have Buzz and the rest of the toys meet him at the carousel.
Woody helps Gabby by talking her through the mishap with Harmony. Bo Peep shows up as well and together, they convince Gabby to go with them back to Bonnie.
On the toys' way to the carousel, Duke Caboom does a crazy stunt 40 feet across from the ferris wheel to a game station and once they are almost there, Gabby notices a little girl that is lost and by herself. Woody and Bo Peep help her get noticed by the little girl, which she does and together, Gabby and the little girl find her parents and the girl takes Gabby home with her.
Meanwhile, Forky tells Buzz to meet Woody at the carousel. Jessie forms an idea and has Trixie pretend she's the voice of the GPS system to get them back to the carnival. This part is so dang funny! Soon, Bonnie's dad starts to know something is up with the GPS and Buttercup grabs the break. The toys totally take over the RV and they eventually get to the carousel leaving Forky in charge of keeping the RV door locked. The cops are following Bonnie’s parents the whole time too.
Now the ending. Oh my goodness. It is something everyone is talking about. I could not believe it. So Bo Peep and Woody say their goodbyes again, and it is parallel to the beginning with his hands on the edge of the carousel scaffolding. He walks over to Buzz and Buzz tells him that Bonnie will be okay. Woody then goes "are you sure" and then runs over to Bo Peep and they have such a sweet moment of happiness. Their hug was everything. In this moment, watching it the first time, I was like oh wait, Buzz what? Then when Woody said "are you sure", I was like wait, he is he serious? Then he ran over to Bo Peep and I was like WHAT!? Yeah so Woody left the group to stay with Bo Peep. His purpose has been fulfilled being owned and loved by a child and he will be okay with the love of his life by his side.

The rest of the toys are seen coming up to see Woody and they are amazed at seeing Bo Peep again. Bo and Jessie share a hug and I think I let out a weird noise because I was so happy to see the two girls reunite. They were not shown together after Toy Story 2, but I knew deep down they were good friends so that confirmed it. Woody, then, stands up straight and dutifully passes his sheriff badge to Jessie. I was a goner.
Another thing I loved about this ending was Andy's original toys tackled Woody and they all shared a nice big goodbye hug and Bonnie's toys stood back. The feelings during this part is unexplainable, especially if you are like me and have been with these toys your whole life. Buzz was the last one Woody said goodbye to and that hug was so sad. The way they just grip on to each other shows how much they cared for each other and learned from each other. Bo Peep and Jessie are both watching their guys in the corners and that scene is just darn powerful.
The moment is ruined when Forky is left hugging Woody's legs and Buzz is like "who's watching the door?" They toys all run to their respected corners and they flop down into the RV just in time, leaving Bo Peep and Woody on top of the carousel. I feel like there should have been a few more frames of goodbyes because I felt like it was a little rushed. Nonetheless, it was very emotional.
The two playfully try to catch each other and soon end up at the very top of the carousel to see Buzz and the rest of the toys off, while Buzz and the gang look out towards the carousel. The last set of lines are:
Rex: "does that mean Woody's a lost toy?"
Buzz: "he's not lost, not anymore. To infinity-"
Woody *watching the RV leave* "-and beyond."
And the final music that plays, it is all just too much to handle for this fangirl. For a while, Woody leaving the group did not sit well with me. I honestly did not like it, but now I am slowly starting to accept it.

Now! From a computer graphic artist's point of view, this is hands down the best animated movie I have ever seen. The animation, the rendering, rigging, lightning, EVERYTHING was amazing and realistic. I want to talk about the rendering and lighting in this movie in particular.
According to easyrender.com, rendering is "a two dimensional representation of a computer wireframe model that has been given properties such as texture, color, and material". There are three techniques of rendering:
-Ray tracing: "one or more rays of light are traced from the camera to the nearest 3D object (LifeWire par. 11).
-Scanline: used for speed purposes
-Radiosity: surface oriented rather than pixel-by-pixel.
There are two types of common render engines: mental ray used with 3DS Max and V-Ray used with 3D Maya. Pixar on the other hand, created its own render program called Renderman. Renderman is always, and I mean, always updating and it is what gives these films the photorealistic images. Here are two videos showing what Renderman is all about:
Wow!! This was such a long review, but I really appreciate you, as the reader, reading along. Toy Story and Pixar mean the world to me and I am constantly learning about Pixar daily. I have grown up with these toys and the stories since it came out in 1995. I even found a home movie of me receiving my first Woody doll during that Christmas! This review took a lot of thinking and reminiscing on these stories and Toy Story is just a timeless masterpiece that will live on for a long time.
I really want you guys to comment down below what you thought about the movie! Also, for my Pixar fans out there, let me know of the Easter eggs you found! I found the Pizza Planet Truck, Ellie's grape soda badge, the lunchbox, the eagle from the Small Fry short, and the old-timer clock from "Toy Story of Terror".
Thanks everyone!

PS-stay through the credits!