**Spoilers Ahead!**
So after recently finishing “The Legend of Korra” series, we got the comic book that takes place after Korra and Asami enter the spirit world. I have totally fallen in love with the series, as well as The Last Airbender, and I am so sad there is no more. This review is going to be strictly on the comic book.
We leave off in the series with the popular ending with Korra and Asami going on vacation into the spirit world. There is also a big hint that the two get together and enter a romantic relationship. This comic takes place immediately after they enter the spirit world. We see them frolicking through spiritual fields and just in general, relaxing and enjoying their time.

Dismally, they return home to more drama. Korra decides to introduce Asami to her parents more formally as her girlfriend. Korra’s mom is happy for them as well as her father, but he is worried on how Korra’s image will look. She gets defensive at this saying she is free to decide who to be with and the like. Her and Asami then leave and head back to Republic City, which is still trying to recover from Kuvira’s attack.
The citizens of Republic City have been displaced and Tenzin, led by Zhu Li and Varrick, with the rest of the airbenders are helping the citizens get the supplies they need. Speaking of Zhu Li and Varrick, their characters go through a huge character arc in the series, and seeing Zhu Li front and center being a huge part of the city is great verses when we first met her as Varrick’s assistant before becoming his wife. She is the leader in the recovery efforts and is adored by everyone.
There is a squabble between Tenzin’s daughter Ginora and a few other airbenders when business guru, Wonyong Keum, has plans to build a tourist site where the new spirit portal is. Needless to say, Republic City’s current president, President Raiko, is not showing popularity with the people. He is ignoring the fact that his citizens are displaced and worrying more about his reelection.
Korra and Asami arrive at this time with Korra confronting Keum about his plans. Members of the Triple Threat Triad, hired by Keum, ambush them and one of them knocks Asami out cold. A snake-like spirit with whom we see talking to Korra in the television series appears and starts attacking the leader of the group, Tokuga, saying that spirits will no longer have anything to do with humans. He urges Korra to close the portal, but she wants to keep it open so spirits and humans can have the freedom to interact. We see a very real side of Korra when she is seen fretting over Asami’s unmoving form. When Asami finally wakes up, we see how deep their feelings are for each other.

The men of the series, Mako and Bolin, are patrolling the streets until they see members of the Triple Threats. They try to pursue them and warn Chief Lin Beifong. Bolin is now Mako’s new partner as a police officer.

Recovering from the Triple Threat’s attacks, Asami and Korra, along with the Air Nomads, enter the spirit world to look for help. They notice sadly that the place is not anything like it was when they were on vacation. All the plants are dead, no spirits around, and the place is generally unhappy.
Korra and Asami offer their assistance to Tenzin and Zhu Li. Tenzin encourages Korra to make an appearance to raise peoples’ spirits. This backfires as the crowd yells at Korra for being on vacation and not being there enough.
Meanwhile, Asami and Zhu Li start drawing up ideas for housing plans for the people of Republic City. The others meet them and form the idea that Zhu Li should run for president since she is so respected and smart. Taken aback, she is led back into her makeshift tent with her husband. As he is massaging her shoulders, she voices her concerns running for president. Varrick encourages and reassures her that she would be an excellent leader and she decides to run.

Tokuga and his group attack one of the weapon warehouses and as Korra, Mako, and Bolin arrive and start fighting, Tokuga grabs Asami and threatens to kill her. He then takes off with Asami and Keum in tow. On his airship, Tokuga threatens Asami with her life, telling her to build him a gas weapon that he could use in the air. In the end, Reum helps Asami escape safely and he gives up the idea of turning the spirit world into a tourist trap.

The comic series ends with an anxious Zhu Li and Varrick waiting for the presidential results patiently backstage. Zhu Li is then heard that she is the winner and Varrick tells her to “go out there and do the thing”. She gives her inspirational speech and Korra and Asami duck out. They talk about their relationship and how far they’ve come. The comic ends.

In total, I felt like the comic was written out well. I appreciated Zhu Li’s character growth the most. I also really loved the illustrations and art examples at the back of the comic book.
However, I did feel like this was written out like a Korra and Asami fanfiction. I wish there was more action and Team Avatar moments. I know it is a book and it can’t be as long as a whole television series, but I really love these characters!
For you Avatar and Korra fans, who is your favorite character?